Program Au Pair Anglia Salisbury Pilnie
Rodzina goscila juz klika au pairs z naszego biura, ktore sa bardzo zadowolone z pobytu i zdobytych umiejetnosci jezykowych.
Lokalizacja: Anglia Salisbury
Wyjazd: od wrzesnia na do miesiecy.
dzieci: Archie , Annabel , Camilla lata.
Wymagania, jakie musisz spelniac:Prawo jazdy, warunek konieczny,
Komunikatywna znajomosc jezyka angielskiego,
Koniecznie doswiadczenie w opiece nad dziecmi, poparta, co najmniej referencjami. Referencje moze wystawic np. sasiadka, z ktorej dziecmi wychodzisz na spacery lub spedzasz czas na placu zabaw.
Obowiazki:Pomoc przy dzieciach i drobne prace domowe ok. godz. w tygodniu.
Driving the children to school, playing with the children, helping reading, cooking, if you enjoy cooking, helping feed the little one, bath time and stories, ironing, general tidying, hoover/mop and light dusting. hours plus or nights babysitting a week but that will not be every week. Sometimes there are weeks with no babysitting. Usual hours are . am till . am and pm to pm. The rest of the time will be free.
Rodzina goszczaca oferuje:Tygodniowe kieszonkowe Funtow,
Bezplatne wyzywienie,
Bezplatne zakwaterowanie
Dear Au pair
We are a traditional English family looking for someone to join our family and help carry out general household tasks. My husband, Edward, is a farmer and I am a housewife spending the most of my days looking after the house and children. We are soon going to starting to build a new house so I will also be busy helping organise this. You will be required to help with our children, Archie , Annabel and Camilla , for hours per week. Your duties will include driving the children to and from school, playing with the children, cooking, taking them for walks, assisting with reading, helping feed the children, bathing and putting them to bed.
In addition we would like you to help keep the house tidy on a daily basis (we clean regularly and we also have a cleaner eg loading the dishwasher, putting away laundry, tidying the toys, vacuming and mopping if necessary. With children there is a lot of ironing which we would like you to do. You will receive l per month pocket money. The Language school is in Salisbury and they have numerous courses at different ability levels. We live in the countryside therefore you must be happy to live in a rural environment as shops are only accessible by bus/car/train. We live a quiet, peaceful life and are looking for someone who would be happy in this environment and become part of the family.
Kind regards
Biuro Au Pair Koncepcja istnieje od roku. Wyroznia nas dlugoletnie doswiadczenie, stala i sprawdzona wspolpraca z zagranicznymi partnerami i rodzinami oraz godzinny serwis, czyli wsparcie dla naszych podopiecznych przez caly okres pobytu u rodziny goszczacej. Posiadamy Certyfikat Ministra Gospodarki i Pracy nr .
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koniecznie z adnotacja w temacie maila: au pair Salisbury
Wyjazdy Edukacyjne Koncepcja
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